2010년 9월 7일 화요일

G20 to push for new world trade agreement

The World Trade Organization has an important role in the success of the upcoming G20 Summit in Seoul, President Lee Myung-bak said in the meetingwith WTO director general Pascal Lamy in Seoul on Monday.

Lamy, who came to Korea Monday, met with the president in the morning ahead of scheduled meeting with chairman of Korea’s G20 summit organizing committee SaKong Il and Trade Minister Kim Jong-hoon to discuss issues relating to the G20 Summit and those concerning the WTO including the Doha Development Agenda and resisting protectionism.

“We know that Korea has been a strong supporter for concluding the negotiations as soon as possible, and President Lee has been very vocal since the summit inWashington,” Lamy said.

“He intends to use the G20 to inject momentum into concluding the round. September and October will be months of active work in Geneva on issues that remains to be closed.”

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